Schedule & Calendar


Church Services are held in English with some Slavonic (old Russian).

The Parish follows the Revised Julian (new) calendar. 

Saturday Evenings

6:00 PM Vespers/Vigil. Check the St Nicholas monthly calendar below, or call the church (408-867-0628) for specific times.

Sunday Mornings

9:40 AM Hours/Confessions
10:00 AM Divine Liturgy
Refreshments are available in the parish hall after Liturgy.

Eves of Great Feasts

7:00pm Vigil (or Great Vespers)


Mornings of Great Feasts

10:00 AM Divine Liturgy

Check the monthly calendar below on the for specific/updated Services and Times

Note: Confession is heard AFTER the Vespers/Vigil on Saturday evenings and BEFORE Divine Liturgy during Matins and the Hour Sunday or by special appointment. Anyone wishing to receive Holy Communion at the Divine Liturgy should be at the Vigil, the night before.  Confessions on Sunday mornings are intended to be short.

Check our monthy calendar below which has all of the scheduled services and events.  Announcements of upcoming events or changes to the schedule are made after the Divine Liturgy on Sunday mornings. The calendar is updated if there are any changes, so check back for updates (If you have any doubts about changes to the schedule, you can also call the church (408-867-0628).

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