The Dormition Fast and It’s Services

The Dormition fast is brief, but as strict as Great Lent.  This “Mini-Lent” also comes with wonderful opportunities to intensify our spiritual life and to partake of some unique services that happen during the two weeks.  Tonight, Saturday, August 5th, is the Vigil for the Feast of Transfiguration, followed by tomorrow’s Divine Liturgy.  The texts of the services are full of meditations on the uncreated divine energies of God that can be experienced as light. This is not some sort of symbolism, as saints up to the present time have experienced this light for themselves, and in the case of St. Seraphim of Sarov, was able to bring the experience to others.  Archbishop Andrei (an American elder and bishop) of blessed memory observed the uncreated light emanating from St. Nectarius of Optina, who was his spiritual father.  Fr. George Calciu experienced the uncreated light in the dark prisons and concentration camps of Romania.

The texts of the services are full of meditations on the uncreated divine energies of God that can be experienced as light. This is not some sort of symbolism, as saints up to the present time have experienced this light for themselves, and in the case of St. Seraphim of Sarov, was able to bring the experience to others.  Archbishop Andrei (an American elder and bishop) of blessed memory observed the uncreated light emanating from St. Nectarius of Optina, who was his spiritual father.  Fr. George Calciu experienced the uncreated light in the dark prisons and concentration camps of Romania.

On this feast, we also bless the new harvest of fruit, bringing baskets to church.

On Tuesday the 8th, we have the vigil and on Wednesday the 9th the liturgy for St. Herman of Alaska, the first (known) saint in America.  We get to sing some of my favorite Stichera for this saint:

What is above all,
if not the Lord our Creator,
Adorner of beauty, giver of life,
Maintaner and Nourisher of all things:
is it no Him, that is befitting to love,
as most worthy of love,
and to place one’s happiness in Him,
thus, O Saint, didst thou teach;
likewise, teach us also
with all our heart to love God.

This is followed by the beautiful services of the Feast of Dormition on the 14th (vigil) and 5th (liturgy) when flowers are herbs are blessed.

Traditionally during this fast, when there are no other services, the Paraklesis (canon) to the Mother of God is done.  We will be doing this on Thursday the 1oth, but as was mentioned last year, there is no reason that this cannot be done as part of prayer in the home on other evenings.  This post on the importance of prayer in the home also includes the text of the service that you can download and use.