The best party before Lent – don’t miss it! See the link for a PDF below that you can download, print, and share!
February, 2025

On the feast of the Meeting of the Lord
Today is the leave taking of the feast of the Meeting of the Lord. I love this feast, and was saddened to have to miss it due to illness, but was grateful to Fr. Basil and Maria who sang the Vespers, so that I could pray along from home. There are a few things that I am reminded of every year.
No, not because the feast is also Groundhog Day! It was on this feast that I arrived at St. Nicholas 22 years ago, so I am reminded of the beginning of being a part of this parish family, which is so precious to me.
This is also one of the feasts which have permeated the Western culture, with an expression in the arts. J.S. Bach wrote his beautiful cantata “Ich Habe Genug” (I have enough) - a poetic expression of the words and thoughts of the righteous elder Simeon.
You can listen to it here, sung by Hans Hotter - a version which drew Fr. Seraphim Rose to Orthodoxy, when he was in college.
read the lyrics in English here
I may be repeating myself with all this, but some things are worth repeating.
The third thing, which bears frequent repetition, at least for me, is this sermon by St. Theophan for this feast. I’ve shared it before, and Fr. Basil read it on the feast day. I feel like if I were to read this Sermon daily for a month, it would not be too much repetition. The whole thing is good, but one section in particular starts with this sentence:
“If anyone complains that he would like the fruit but the labor it takes to get it is too hard, the answer is: Good. There is an easier method, a method simpler than the one laid out.”
Why do I like this section so much? Perhaps for the same reason that some of you will. We live in the world, in Silicon Valley. We are constantly busy with a variety of activities and responsibilities. We find it challenging to maintain the variety of activities associated with the spiritual life. We long to go deeper, but find it challenging, even without kids. WITH kids, it is an even greater challenge.
And yet earlier this month, the feast of St. Anthony the Great, the real father of monasticism in its most extreme form reminded me of a story from his life. He asked the Lord if there were any ascetics who were his equal. The Lord revealed to him that there was - a busy doctor in the midst of the city, who merely sang the thrice-holy hymn, the Trisagion in his heart all day. This is very much like the constant inward attention that St. Theophan recommends. Despite its simplicity, this inward activity can accomplish much. It creates a type of leverage in the soul that other, even heavier ascetic activities don’t have. But there is some work involved in making this constant remembrance of God a habit.
Here is the sermon:
I’m going to personally make a challenge to you and myself: to read this sermon every day from now until the beginning of Lent, striving to put into daily practice, the simple method that St. Theophan lays out. What do you say? Will you join me?
Happy Feast!
In Christ,
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January, 2025

Burns Supper Fundraiser, January 23rd
The Burns Supper is coming up! Go to this page to get your tickets, and extra (PDF) flyers to share
House Blessings and Theophany
On January 6th, Orthodox Christians attend the Divine Liturgy and the Great Blessing of the Water service to celebrate the great feast of Theophany, also called the “Feast of Lights.” It was called the Feast of Lights from ancient times, since on this day many catechumens were “illumined” by the light of Holy Baptism and held their lit candles during the services. The feast commemorates the baptism of Christ and the revelation of God in three persons. That's why the Feast is called “Theophany,” meaning “Revelation of God.” We attend church not only to celebrate the Feast and receive the Holy Eucharist, but we also hope to be blessed by and to receive the special holy water which is blessed following the Liturgy. Most parishioners bring their own bottles or jars from home in order to fill them up with the blessed water to take home. It is the pious practice of many Orthodox to take a little holy water and some of the blessed bread (antidoron) from church every morning before eating or drinking anything else, as a blessing for the day. In most churches in America the blessing of water is held indoors, in the temple itself, and the water is contained in a large urn. Some communities hold outdoor celebrations by a body of water.
Blessing of the Home
It is customary, to invite your priest to bless your home with holy water within the few weeks following Theophany and before the beginning of the Great Fast (Lent.). Prepare by cleaning the house and opening the doors and turning on the lights in all the rooms.
What you need for the house blessing:
- An icon corner or wall, or at least an Icon of Christ and the Mother of God
- A small table, preferably covered, in front of your home icon corner.
- A candlestick with a new candle in it, placed on the otherwise cleared table
Using an aspergelus (a special brush-type sprinkler) the priest will go to each room and sprinkle it in the four corners blessing the home with the grace of the Holy Spirit which also protects you from evil spirits. If you were unable to attend the Theophany Liturgy, the priest will bring extra Holy Water so that you may keep some at home, near your icons. Please have a dedicated jar or vessel prepared for this water. It can only be used for Holy Water thereafter. For House Blessings, it is appropriate that all family members are in attendance, but if this is not possible, at least those who are home should participate in the service. All TV's, electronics, music, etc., should be turned off. House Blessings are a yearly tradition.
Personal Use of Holy Water
According to Orthodox doctrine, holy water has the power to sanctify and heal. Have each family member drink a small amount of the holy water from Theophany. Keep the unused holy water in your home icon corner (krasny ugol) for future use: times of adversity, before starting a new venture or trip, to give thanks, or when someone is ill. You may drink it or anoint yourself when you feel spiritually afflicted. It should be taken when fasting, if at all possible. To rid the house of evil spirits, it should be sprinkled in the four corners of each room, so no one will step on it. In the countryside, the holy water is often sprinkled in the fields and on the animals.
If you would like to have your home blessed, please contact Fr. Basil or use the Sign-up sheet at the candle desk in the Narthex of the church.
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Upcoming events this month are in the online calendar, which you can subscribe to on your phone or tablet. Use the print button on the calendar to print a copy.
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Christmas Message from Father Basil
Dear Parishioners and Friends of St. Nicholas Orthodox Church,
Christ is Born! Glorify Him! Христос рождается! Cлавите его!
“Heaven and earth are united today, for Christ is born! Today God has come upon the earth and man gone up to heaven. Today for man’s sake is seen in the flesh He who by nature is invisible. Therefore, let us also give glory and cry aloud to Him: Glory to God in the highest, and on earth peace! Which Thy coming has bestowed upon us O Savior, glory to Thee!” (Litiya Verse for Nativity)
Dear Ones,
The Feast of the Nativity of Christ has come! Christmas has arrived! What does this mean to Orthodox Christians? Does it mean a celebration of love and family? Does it exist primarily to promote commercial success? Is it a time for single and heartbroken women to find love again during the “holidays?” No, no, no! My late seminary professor, Protopresbyter Alexander Schmemann wrote:
“With the words ‘Christ is Born! Glorify Him!’ something changes in our life, in the very air we breathe, in the entire mood of the Church’s life. In them we perceive… the first light of the greatest possible joy — the coming of God into His world. They proclaim the reconciliation of mankind with God, for the birth of the Son of God as a child is the beginning of the saving ministry which will lead Him, for the sake of our salvation, to the ultimate sacrifice of the Cross.”
May God Bless You and Yours with Every Good and Perfect Gift that Comes from Above this Christmas!
Archpriest Basil Rhodes
Please support your church with a Christmas gift! If you received a letter in the mail, it has a self-addressed stamped envelope. You can also donate using PayPal (including credit or debit cards) via this link.
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September, 2024

St. Nicholas Autumn Tea - Get your Tickets Now!
Update: Autumn Tea Flyer for Printing
Get your tickets here: St. Nicholas Autumn Tea
Poetry and the Spiritual Life
by Reader John Simmons
“Whoever wants to become a Christian must first become a poet. That’s what it is! You must suffer. You must love and suffer–suffer for the one you love. Love makes effort for the loved one. She runs all through the night; she stays awake; she stains her feet with blood in order to meet her beloved. She makes sacrifices and disregards all impediments, threats, and difficulties for the sake of the loved one. Love towards Christ is something even higher, infinitely higher."
―Elder Porphyrios“A poem is a linguistic artefact that generates meaning through the indivisibility of form and content, meter and matter, intention and expression……On a broadly Orthodox understanding of theology, poetic modes of apprehension and expression are germane to theology because of the predominantly apophatic nature of our knowledge of God and, at the same time, because of theology’s primary embodiment or realization in liturgy, hymnody and prayer."
―Daniel Gustaffson (article linked below)
“Literature is news that stays news”
―Ezra Pound, founder of the “Imagist” school of poetry
“Beauty will save the world”
―Fyodor Dostoyevsky, The Idiot
I spent a good part of four days last week at the 10th Annual San Jose Poetry Festival, run by Poetry Center San Jose. I enoyed hearing live spoken word performances, poetry of all kinds, workshops for writing, including haikus and other forms. I have connected with Poetry Center San Jose in and out since about 1985, and had a couple things published in their journal Caesura.
As much as I enjoyed the events, I felt that something was missing or off. The poetry represented varied in quality, but also in topics, tone and what inspired it. The poetry presented was a product of our current world in all of its facets, and I felt a longing for something more. What could have come over me? It was clear that I was looking for poetry that reached for higher inspiration.
Poetry is given a very important status in the Orthodox Church. It forms the backbone of our divine services, starting with the psalter, and then all of the forms of liturgical poetry and prayer. All of the divine services, and even private prayers are filled with poetic expressions and forms; canons, akathists and more.
Holy Fathers such as St. Ephrem the Syrian, wrote instructive texts as if they were poetry. St. Theophan the Recluse noticed this quality of St. Ephrem, and arranged selections of his writings in 150 chapters, calling it “A Spiritual Psalter”.
Poetry is an art form that integrates many things at once: meaning, beauty, artistic form, phanopoeia, the imagery that the words evoke, melopoeia, or the music contained in the words when they are spoken, and logopoeia, which Pound called “the dance of the intellect among words”. This indicates that the words go far beyond mere literal meanings, but contain allegories and evocations that defy simple categorization. We do not just read good poetry - we experience it, and we must learn how. The words do not always reveal themselves, until we consider them carefully. This is all the more important when reading the scriptures and other spiritual texts.
Love for poetry, especially that which inspires, is one of the things that seems to be missing from our contemporary data-driven world. An AI can mimic poetic form, but it cannot transmit the kind of deep integral communication from a deeply joined mind and heart, as a poet can. It is even more important to be in regular contact with those poetries that transform us from the inside out.
“In the sensual (or feeling) part of the soul, there appears a yearning and love for the beautiful. The eye does not want to tear itself away from the flower and the ear does not want to tear itself away from the song, only because the one and the other are beautiful. We go for a walk and select a place for the single reason that it is beautiful. Above this is the enjoyment received from paintings, works of sculpture, music and singing, and even higher than this, the enjoyment received from poetry."
―St. Theophan the Recluse
Poetry as Theology: Reflections on Ephrem the Syrian and Richard Wilbur
Sermon on the Nativity of the Theotokos
By Protopresbyter Alexander Schmemann
The Church’s veneration of Mary has always been rooted in her obedience to God, her willing choice to accept a humanly impossible calling. The Orthodox Church has always emphasized Mary’s connection to humanity and delighted in her as the best, purest, most sublime fruition of human history and of man’s quest for God, for ultimate meaning, for the ultimate content of human life.
If in Western Christianity veneration of Mary was centered upon her perpetual virginity, the heart of the Orthodox Christian East’s devotion, contemplation, and joyful delight, has always been her Motherhood, her flesh and blood connection to Jesus Christ. The East rejoices that the human role in the divine plan is pivotal. The Son of God comes to earth, appears in order to redeem the world, He becomes human to incorporate man into His divine vocation, but humanity takes part in this. If it is understood that Christ’s “co-nature” with us is as a human being and not some phantom or bodiless apparition, that He is one of us and forever united to us through His humanity, then devotion to Mary also becomes understandable, for she is the one who gave Him His human nature, His flesh and blood. She is the one through whom Christ can always call Himself “The Son of Man.”
Son of God, Son of Man…God descending and becoming man so that man could become divine, could become partaker of the divine nature (2 Peter 1:4), or as the teachers of Church expressed it, “deified.” Precisely here, in this extraordinary revelation of man’s authentic nature and calling, is the source that gratitude and tenderness which cherishes Mary as our link to Christ and, in Him, to God. And nowhere is this reflected more clearly that in the Nativity of the Mother of God.
This feast therefore is first a general celebration of Man’s birth, and we no longer remember the anguish, as the Gospel says, “for joy that a human being is born into the world” (Jn. 16:21). Secondly, we now know whose particular birth, whose coming we celebrate: Mary’s. We know the uniqueness, the beauty, the grace of precisely this child, her destiny, her meaning for us and for the whole world. And thirdly, we celebrate all who prepared the way for Mary, who contributed to her inheritance of grace and beauty…And therefore the Feast of her Nativity is also a celebration of human history, a celebration of faith in man, a celebration of man.
Sadly, the inheritance of evil is far more visible and better known (than the inheritance of grace and beauty!) There is so much evil around us that this faith in man, in his freedom, in the possibility of handing down a radiant inheritance of goodness has almost evaporated being replaced by cynicism and suspicion. This hostile cynicism and discouraging suspicion are precisely what seduce us to distance ourselves from the Church when it celebrates with such joy and faith this birth of a little girl in whom are concentrated all the goodness, spiritual beauty, harmony and perfection that are elements of genuine human nature. Thus, in celebrating Mary’s birth we find ourselves already on the road to Bethlehem, moving toward the joyful mystery of Mary as the Mother of God. Amen.
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August, 2024

Another Season of Precious Opportunities!
The first two weeks of August are one of our “Liturgically busy periods.” The dormition fast began on the 1st with the feast of the Procession of the Cross and the 7 Maccabean Martyrs, their mother Solomonia, and their teacher Eleazar. We celebrated this feast with the blessing of holy water.
This next week, we have the vigils and liturgies for the feast of Transfiguration, and the “Summer” feast of St. Herman of Alaska (The feast of his glorification - his repose is celebrated on December 13th).
On days that we are not having festal services, we are singing the Paraklesis (Canon) to the Mother of God. Everyone is encouraged to come to whatever services one can. If circumstances prevent attendance, once can pray along with the livestream. One can also do the Paraklesis at home.
If you know the tones and melodies, you can sing, otherwise just prayerfully read. This season offers a precious opportunity for spiritual profit. Don’t neglect it!
The Feast of Transfiguration
“What is it that makes the Feast of Transfiguration so important to Orthodox Christians? What is the meaning of Transfiguration for modern people living in the modern world?
There are a few important things that the Transfiguration of Christ reveals to us. First of all, it confirms the divinity of Jesus once again. It shows us that He was sent by the Father. It was especially important for the disciples to understand. It was meant to strengthen their faith and make them truly understand that Christ’s passion was voluntary.
Moses and Elijah, two of the greatest figures of the Old Testament, appear next to CHrist to further prove that He is in fact the Messiah, Who came to fulfill the law.
Secondly, it reveals to us that every human being can go through the process of theosis - becoming united with God again, becoming transfigured like Christ, achieving holiness. We are all called for it:
"The Son of God became man, that we might become god." (St. Athanasius of Alexandria)"
(Read more at the St. Elizabeth Convent site....)
From the Lives of Saints - St. Herman of Alaska
“The Elder was invited aboard a frigate which came from St. Petersburg. There were more than twenty-five officers with the Captain, and they also were educated men. Father Herman gave them all one general question, ‘Gentlemen, what do you love above all, and what will each of you wish for your happiness?’ Various answers were offered.
“He then continued... Should we not then love God above every thing, desire Him more than anything, and search Him out?’”
“All said, ‘Why, yes! That’s self-evident!’ Then the Elder asked, ‘But do you love God?’ They all answered, “Certainly we love God. How can we not love God?’ ‘And I a sinner have been trying for more than forty years to love God, but I cannot say that I love Him completely,’ Father Herman protested to them.
He then began to demonstrate to them the way in which we should love God. ‘If we love someone,’ he said, ‘we always remember them; we try to please them. Day and night our heart is concerned with the subject. Is that the way you gentlemen love God?
Do you turn to Him often?
Do you always remember Him?
Do you always pray to Him and fulfill His holy commandments?’
They had to admit that they had not!
‘For our own good, and for our own fortune,’ concluded the Elder, ‘let us at least promise ourselves that, from this day forth, from this very hour, and this very minute, let us love love God above all and seek to fulfill His Holy Will!”
(Read more from the life of St. Herman from the St. Herman parish....)
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